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Hi! Thanks for stopping by. This is a place where I'll chit-chat about my 3 boys, food, losing weight, working out, and just my crazy, busy life. Keep checking back as I work out all the kinks of my brand new blog :)

What is Ice Cream Soup?

My kids say the funniest damn things sometimes. Over the years, I've tried to keep a list of some of the stuff that has come out of their mouths that make me literally laugh out loud (like before LOL existed).

One of the first adorable things my oldest son, Christopher, said when he was about knee high to a grasshopper was "Nonnie - can you make me some ice cream soup?" Nonnie is my mom - you will most likely see Nonnie mentioned quite often. :)

To make ice cream soup, you simply put your ice cream in a bowl (Christopher's favorite to this day is vanilla), add a little milk, stir it up until it is completely blended. Kind of a milkshake in a bowl. That you eat with a spoon. I still, to this day, add milk to my bowls of ice cream. I don't really stir it up and make "soup" anymore, but my kids do! Christopher is going to be 15 this year (omg - next week!) and he still makes his ice cream soup.

So, he coined the phrase (in my family, at least) "ice cream soup" when he was about three years old. He'd been eating it this way since, well, since as long as he'd been eating ice cream at the ripe old age of three. I have been eating ice cream this way since as far back as I can remember and my dad (Papa) is who taught me so I assume he's been eating it this way since he was a little boy. It never really had a name. It was just the way we ate ice cream. 

There you have it - Ice Cream Soup.

My intention is to update this page or I'll add another tab of "Ice Cream Soups" a.k.a. stuff my kids say as I go along with this blog. I have to put them somewhere or I'm going to forget!

Chris. No, he's not a serial killer. He was Dexter for Halloween last year.

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