About Me

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Hi! Thanks for stopping by. This is a place where I'll chit-chat about my 3 boys, food, losing weight, working out, and just my crazy, busy life. Keep checking back as I work out all the kinks of my brand new blog :)



My name is Lisa and welcome to my little corner of the Interwebs!

That's me in the middle. With my sister and my boyfriend's sister. Duckface schmuckface - we rock the Fishface.

I'm a 37 year old living in gross sunny South Florida. I don't like it here, but it's where I settled down with my family (again) 12 years ago. I moved around my entire life, every 2-4 years, growing up as a USMC brat (Ah-ooh-rah!) and as much as I actually loved living like a gypsy, I decided that unless it was an absolute necessity due to a job or something, we'd stay put here. My family on my mom's side was one of the original families to settle in the town I live in. When my dad retired, my parents moved back here so I sort of followed them with my boys.

I work full time in an administrative position for the "po-leece" and I am a full time mom, as well. I really love my job. I was a dispatcher/911 operator for 4 years, but after my divorce, I needed some more "set" hours. I still get to dispatch for overtime on the weekends, though. So - win-win! Prior to my law enforcement life, I was in the banking industry. I did a little of everything in the banking world; drive-through teller, head teller, trained new hires, customer service rep, and eventually an Assistant Manager, which was the last position I held before going into the Law Enforcement world. I like to work and be a mom at the same time. I mean, I have to work to provide for my kids but even if I didn't have to work, I think I still probably would. I love my boys more than the world, but a SAHM I am not. I completely admire and respect moms who choose to and are able to stay home to be with their kids. I definitely have my moments when I wish I didn't have to work, but it works for us.

This is just a little place where I will blab and ramble about my little life which will probably mostly consist of the funny stuff my three boys say, the stress and frustrations of raising three boys, the joy my three boys bring me, the stress and frustrations of raising three boys (oh, did I say that already? My bad.), lots of (most likely) Instagrammed pictures of food, and some babbling about working out and Weight Watchers (well, eating healthier in general).

Yum. Food. (Surprisingly, not Instagrammed pictures of food.)

The boys - 1st day of school this year!

My other half. He'll love that I posted this pic. Hehe. But I love it :)

I'm sure this page will be updated many times with things I think of to say "about me", but that's it in a nutshell. :) 


  1. Ha ha, I laughed out loud at "the stress and frustrations of raising three boys" being repeated! I only have two boys, but yeah, I get that. ;)

    Your boys look so handsome! What fine young men. Looking forward to learning more about you! :)

    1. Hehe...you know ALL about what I mean then! :)

      Your boys are too cute too! I've been reading about your son's running adventures (blogging makes me feel like a stalker...lol)! My oldest (he'll be 15 on Monday) ran a 5k with me in May and runs Cross Country at his high school now. SO proud of him =)
