My plan is to update this page frequently with things I remember that my kids have said over the years that have made us laugh. I used to write them down so I didn't forget . Over the years, I've lost that list and wanted a place to document them so I couldn't lose them. As the saying goes, kids really do say the darndest things, and my boys are no exception. If you've read the What is Ice Cream Soup? section, you'll know that my oldest son "coined" that term when he was little when he would ask for ice cream. It just became one of those cute little things he said and it stuck with our family. Here is one for now (please feel free to add your own in the comments!):
Walk like a bear: (Christopher - about 3 years old):
My mom has a lot (a LOT) of animals. Turtles, birds, iguanas, cats, dogs, ferrets, you name it - she has it or has had it. Every day, she has a routine of feeding and caring for all her animals. My boys have always liked to help her with taking care of the animals, especially the outside animals. When Christopher was about 3 (he's 15 now), he was about to go outside with my mom and said, "Nonnie, can we walk like a bear?" She said, "Can we do what?", he said, "walk like a bear". So, being the amazing Nonnie she is and wanting to oblige his request, she proceeded to "walk like a bear"; taking large steps, "rawring", swaying her arms out far with each step she took. Then, she realized Christopher was looking at her like she was out of her mind. She asked him what was wrong and he said, "I want to walk like bear know take my shoes off".
She literally started laughing hysterically when she realized that in his little mind being barefoot translated to "walking like a bear". Hey. Makes sense right? Well, it does when you're 3. :)
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