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Hi! Thanks for stopping by. This is a place where I'll chit-chat about my 3 boys, food, losing weight, working out, and just my crazy, busy life. Keep checking back as I work out all the kinks of my brand new blog :)

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Human Puppy

Wow. I totally suck at this blogging thing already. Two whole days without a post! Geez.

Umm...that's probably because - well - I'm pretty boring. My posts would be all like "Went to work today. Came home. Made dinner. Went to the gym. Came home again. Put the kids to bed. Read Hunger Games." See? Boring.

Which is...pretty much what today's post is all about! Woo! So exciting :)

Anyway. I am so, so lucky to have my mom. Our idiotic wonderful school district does these half days and early release days all the freaking TIME! occasionally. The high school kids go in late (like 12:15 or something) and the elementary/middle school kids get out early (at like 12:15 or something). Smart, right? (No.) Those of us whose lives don't revolve sitting around waiting to transport our children from one place to another are seriously inconvenienced by this stupid schedule. Not to say that it doesn't inconvenience other families who don't have parents who work outside the home, too. Just saying, having a FT job and having to worry about how to get my kids to school and home from school at the same time in the middle of a work day a major pain in the ASS!

Enter my beautiful, amazing, mom! She comes to the rescue pretty much on a daily basis for me and my boys. She works part-time, helps my sister watch my nephews and niece, and picks my kids up from their respective schools EVERY day. Including stupid schedule day. Not to mention, she has what most people would consider a small petting zoo or farm to take care of at her own house, to include a 5 week old kitten that she has literally nursed (well, ew...not literally literally, but like from a little dropper thingy) back to health since she was abandoned at a few days old.
Ms. Wendy. The most adorable kitten in the world. 

Wendy and Jack. The most awesome cat in the world with the most adorable kitten in the world. 

Sorry. That's my rant for the day.

Speaking of getting out early from school, I ended up leaving work early today, too. My throat feels like I'm swallowing nails or something. Hoping this doesn't turn into anything. I don't get sick very often, but when I do, it's usually a doozy! I came home and tried to nap a little before picking Christopher up from the train after Cross Country practice, but Andrew (my 7 year old) kept needing help with his homework and, surprisingly, I was starving. I made some "zucchini eggs" (just sauteed zucchini then scrambled 1 egg + 1 egg white with it) with a little avocado. Hm. 2 out of 3 blog posts mentioning eggs. I am the Most. Interesting. Person. Ever.

A food blogger photographer I am not.

Hey, it was like protein and veggies and healthy fats. Or something. Anyway, hit the spot and was pretty easy to swallow.

This is our entertainment when we eat.

Meet Muggle (and my laundry).

I'll have to post a video of him someday. He sits like that when we are eating and waves his little paws at us. He does it sometimes just for the hell of it. Hilarious. He's a chihuahua we adopted two years ago and has been a great little dog. I have never been a little dog person, but he's pretty awesome. He rarely barks!
Watchin TV

It's hard to really tell in that picture, but he does this all the time. He gets himself under the covers and maneuvers himself so he is laying like a human; head out of the covers and on some type of "pillow". Hilarious, I tell you. If you're familiar with Harry Potter, his name could not fit him more perfectly. Muggles are basically "humans" and our Muggle is so much like a human sometimes. He was named before we witnessed any of his little human tendencies, just ended up working out that way.

Well, that is more than enough babbling for one day! 


  1. No one says you have to blog every day! You have plenty going on in your life, don't add "blog guilt" on top of it. ;)

    I HATE the random half-days. ARGH! I realize our school systems are not created solely for our convenience, but still...

    I like the idea of eggs and avacado--yum!!

    1. Haha! Thanks. I was thinking, wow I really need to think more like a blogger and post some stuff. :)

      I was trying to remind myself of that yesterday - they need to do this for the teachers, staff, etc...but still. On the SAME day? Ugh.

      Eggs + avocado is one of my faves! :)
